PROJECT AURI - Mouse Tracking

PROJECT AURI - Facial Tracking



Project Auri is my contribution to the Vtuber content trend- this is the project I am most passionate about and excited to share. Project Auri is a multimedia project involving Paint Tool Sai, Live 2D, and Vtube Studio. The model was hand-drawn, emulating an anime art style, from scratch by myself and rigged, using the available parameters in the free version of Live 2D, also by myself. The rigging was done in conjunction with research into Alternate Reality and Virtual Reality topics.

Project Auri also features a continuation outside of the Vtuber model where pixel and assets were made using FireAlpaca for lyric videos created in Adobe Premiere Pro. These videos were created for cover songs I recorded, as many Vtubers are also singers and have karaoke sessions with their audience. I wanted to challenge myself to make the videos appear as part of a continuation or series, with similar font choices and pixellated-looking assets. The goal of creating a cohesive project that looked technical and included sidereal/outer space thematic elements was important to the character basis of being an "alien". Although I mainly created this project on my own as a design excersize, I would be thrilled to work on similar projects in the future either by myself or in collaboration with others.

Although I consider myself finished using this project and character, it was a great way to get myself acquainted with these programs and creating content in this style. I am looking forward to making even better and more diverse content with a new character avatar.